Flexible adjustments and expansions with efficient tools

Increased flexibility, individualization and customizing
Many tools are integrated into abas eB to adjust your Web Applications to your individual requirements. Thus, all options for expansion and individualization can be used. abas eB is easily extendable because generic approach is used when the application is created. The abas eB workbench provides a multitude of administration and expansion possibilities by means of graphical tools.

abas eB workbench

The abas eB workbench provides a multitude of specialized tools using which standard Web Applications or your own applications can be easily and quickly adjusted and expanded. All abas eB tools are implemented as plugins in the Eclipse® open platform and use its existing, advanced framework as a basis, e.g. the integrated Java development environment.

Menu editor

Using the menu editor it is possible to structure your menu in an easy and comfortable way, to control the appearance and to link the menu entries with the respective actions. The menus can be specified in dependence of the user role and thus privileged actions can be realized.

Translation editor

With the translation editor you will always have the overview over the language entries in your application. You can directly select which languages you want to release for your clients and which not. You can create own languages and translate the entries by means of clear reference tables, if necessary. The translation editor also supports you when searching for missing or problematic entries.

Function component editor

The function component editor helps to bring a database or an infosystem from abas ERP into the Internet. Using this tool the fields that are to be displayed on the Web pages are selected and configured.

JSP editor

Websites can be edited as text by using this editor. Contained are: Syntax highlighting, an automatic suggestion list for tags and formattings.

Web design editor

Using this editor it is possible to edit the Web pages graphically. There is a multitude of input assistance allowing the adaptation of Web pages. For that purpose you can use the graphical view which is also able to visualize dynamic parts, e.g. ERP data accesses and thus gives a preview to what will be displayed in the browser.

Web service editor

The structure of a Web service can be created and expanded from an abas ERP business functionality by using the Web service editor. An authentication can precede the service with only a few worksteps.

Adjustable design

The design is controlled via a single central CSS document (with different CSS sub-documents). Globally valid changes can thus be carried out. It is possible to completely reverse the design (during runtime). Visual elements can be folded in a space-saving manner, their order can be changed and hidden completely. Table columns can be shown or hidden if needed (from CeBIT 2006).

Adjustable user guidance

The presentation layer of abas eB is based on the open source framework Struts. A separation of presentation and application logic is obtained by using Struts. This increases overview and maintainability. Moreover, there is the possibility to combine existing functionalities with individual functions and thus to control the user guidance in any way.

Upgrade secure areas for individual adjustments

You have the option to flexibly expand the existing functionality. There are upgrade secure areas available to do so, which will not be changed when upgrading abas eB. This means that your adjustments remain from version to version. Thus, the costs for upgrading will be lowered and unnecessary new or double developments will be avoided.

Configuration via abas ERP

All important configuration data can be recorded and maintained in abas ERP, e.g. user settings and settings for the application. This has the advantage that they can be easily changed in the running operation.

Customer Videos

abas ERP/Automotive
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abas-ERP in Mechanical Engineering, Plant Engineering and Construction
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abas ERP Medical Engineering
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